Monday, September 30, 2019

September, 1939

Sixty years ago this September the world changed rapidly in ways that no one imagined it could. New technology burst upon the world, almost as astonishing as the technology of today, and in a way much more disruptive.
For my family, most of a generation was lost on both sides; they were burnt to ashes, and so there were no further generations on that side of the Atlantic. The fate of most is not specifically known, though in one case, my aunt Xina, a professor of languages, her fate is known. She foolishly walked to the gate of a concentration camp in an attempt to bring her husband a warm winter coat. She was shot to death in the snow.
For Europe, the entire fabric of the pre war culture was destroyed. When they began again, everything was different.

september, 1939

as september began,
before the sun rose,
on warsaw,
on one point five millions,
marching smartly,
as newly proud germans did,
marching to poland's destiny,
crushing families,
with soldiers,
families never seen again.
from afar,
empires promised hope,
and help,
while the world watched,
a final solution began.
'twas the land of mazurkas
Turned upside down.
the home of chopin,
chopped up by the scream of –
And the clank of the tank.
As september ended,
the sun set on the ashes
of warschau.

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