Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Bacillus Amongst Us

The election is finally over, unless Justice Alito gets his way, and the Supreme Court speaks in some perverted manner. I believe that those few justices who were around for Bush v. Gore have had their fill of election intervention, though the newcomers seem to be feeling their oats just a bit. It is something how the term 'activist judge' can suddenly become a not so dirty a word. In fact, Mark Levin seems to be calling on the Court each night to intervene and deliver the election to Donald Trump. He's the fellow who keeps harping on the duty of the state legislatures to do their constitutional duty — the one only they can do, according the Constitution, and him, 'The Great One.' Of course according to the Great One, Mark Levin, only he can adequately interpret the Constitution. Everyone else has strayed from orthodoxy, and is a clown. It's merely a matter of what you really want, not what you actually believe. As Donald Trump stated before the election, he needed his Supreme Court in place for the election.

But it looks like Trump is going, and Biden is moving in, as big a change as there could be. We're going from an extreme right wing do nothing, to an extreme left wing do everything. From a pro Israel to an anti Israel, an anti Iran to a pro Iran. From no policy, to an everything policy.

But the greatest issue may not rest in policy, but in population. Donald Trump received over seventy-four million votes. Where there might have been a time when these votes were segregated in a particular region, they are now scattered throughout the country. Trump certainly has his regions of strength, but unlike the country's divisions during the civil war, that were almost entirely regional, our current divisions are peppered throughout the nation. Wherever there is a small rural enclave there is a center of Trump support. Even within urban areas there are often Trump strongholds. The ideological split has no regional definition.

This non division means that the United States is truly a divided country, not a country capable of being divided. We are a country that differs in so many ways:

Guns Taxes Abortion Police policy Law and order Immigration policy Environmental policy Trade and tariff policy How to conduct elections How to handle race relations What our own Constitution means

When Joe Biden steps into office on 20 January the country will not be calm. There will be a resistance, just as there was when Donald Trump entered office. The land will rest uneasy, and unlike the Democrats of the anti Trump resistance, this new resistance may be infantile and lack a certain self control, just as its mentor did.

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