Friday, December 10, 2021

Don't Look Back

Our democracy will die in the near future. There is great gnashing of teeth over trapping the perpetrators of the 06 January coup attempt, but the hazard lies ahead. Republican manipulation of the state wide electoral process has been well described by the national media, but it isn't clear to me that the average American understands the implications.

The media has played up the concept of state legislatures throwing out future results.This is a real possibility, and it may infuriate voters. We have never had to worry about our votes not counting. Now we will.

But I see another potential aspect. 06 January was a firebreak for political violence in modern American electoral politics. Expect Republican thugs and their fellow travelers to be present at key polling places, and expect them to seek violence as a way both to intimidate, and to simply act out for self aggrandizement. If you think it can't happen here, think back to 06 January 2021.

The fact is, the Roman Revolution in the United States has already begun (See Syme, Ronald; “The Roman Revolution. Oxford, 1939). Donald Trump may not be president, but he is in full control of the Republican nominating process. Elected officials in safe seats and offices have suddenly found themselves facing primary challenges due to some perceived slight felt by the Donald's fragile ego. He says the word, and a Trump loyalist challenges a long time Republican office holder. Trump is driving his party just as surely as Octavian was driving the Roman Senate. Those Republicans who might oppose Trump are silent (See McConnell, Mitch R-KY).

When we consider Democratic incompetence in the current congressional session, and Republican manipulation of the electoral process, the probability of a Republican Congress in 2022 is better than even, and a Trump presidency in 2024 an even better bet.

Once all branches of government are in Republican hands, democracy as we know it will fall to the lessons the Trump Administration learned in its first, abortive term. Donald Trump will be unrestrained.

Remember, the Constitution places responsibility for elections in the hands of the state legislatures. Only the social contract has kept that responsibility honest. “Stop the Steal” ended that contract as the Republican party abandoned the fundamental western concept of truth. Now truth is what you want it to be.

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