Thursday, September 22, 2022

Danger Close

If history teaches us anything, it's that unintended consequences are the most likely outcome of any historical event. The unanswered question is always: "Who will learn the lesson?"

Vladimir Putin clearly learnt one when he invaded Ukraine, but the forces he set in motion have not come to a halt. Rulers such as Putin don't know how to stop until they get what they want, so we can only guess where the correlation of forces is leading.

The danger rests in the fact that Putin has no exit strategy. The only hope for the West, and Ukraine, is in the Kremlin leadership deposing him. Otherwise, the minimum danger is of a nuclear 'demonstration'. Such a demonstration would involve a nuclear attack on an uninhabited area. Such a demonstration was proposed as an option against the Japanese as an alternative to the attack on Hiroshima, but abandoned. It was decided that the Japanese would perceive such a n on-attack as a sign of weakness.

I hold the Biden Asministration foreign policy team in the lowest possible regard. If Tony Blinken is a fool, Jake Sullivan is an idiot. I hope they are making plans. They need to be at their very best.

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