Monday, March 30, 2020

The Virus Chronicles (continued)

30 March 2020

The President figured out that his threat to quarantine New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut were illegal. Rather than back down, the Narcissist in Chief just quietly made it a suggestion. We really are slipping into third world country status.
The word is out that the US tried to develop an advanced lightweight respirator about ten years ago. The small firm that had the contract made a prototype, then got swallowed up by Medtronic, who got bought by a leveraged buyout group. That was the end of that. US industrial might is a thing of the past. Now we just have schmucks who chase money around, feeding off the carcass of a once great manufacturing state. Sometimes I think we should be herding the Henry Kravises into camps and making them dig trenches with their fingernails. Then we should be holding guns to the heads of our legislators until the leveraged buyout is outlawed.
A friend sat in his yard recently with a neighbor. It turns out the neighbor had been to New York. Now the friend is self isolating, and his neighbor is in extremis. It's a story told again and again.
This afternoon our governor mandated that all Virginians stay in their homes unless they are doing vital business. Vital business includes food shopping, pet care, elderly care, exercise such as running, golf, and fishing. Somehow, when Governor Blackface speaks, he sounds like someone who doesn't belong in the governor's office. The President's radio acolytes are outraged at the restrictions.
The President's love affair the unproven drug chloroquinine continues. Today, at the five o'clock follies, one of his acolytes stated that the US has ordered over two million doses from two producers, even though we still don't know if it works on COVID-19.

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