Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Virus Chronicles (continued)

It's easy to keep the radio off while at home, I have plenty to do. But in the car, I tend to listen to all sorts of channels. It's a window into the world of a nation that is in the midst of a nervous breakdown. Led by a president with the emotional makeup and discipline of a toddler, who careens from one perceived slight to another, and who cannot wait for each adventure to be over as soon as he senses a bit of triumph, the United States is adrift and failing. Every government department appears to be led by a Trump acolyte who understands how the facts of every situation bend to a singular polestar — the phrase “Thank you, Mr. President, for your great leadership in this crisis.” After that phrase has been uttered, there is no critical content remaining to the briefing. One might as well read the phone book. That way there is no chance of contradicting the Trumpkin.

The President has thrived in the daily five o'clock follies, which often begin around six in order to gain a larger audience. He talks and talks, then fights with the press, acting as the national epidemiologist, while the real scientists watch him act out. But his advisors say he's tired of the game. He just wants the governors to fix it, and do it with their money. He didn't expect a marathon. This king is a sprinter; marathons are for slugs and chumps. Testing, so critical to success, is boring. He seems to be saying “why do we have to do it?” He wants to just cut the ribbon of success. It's what he does best.

How many times can one reaffirm that we now appear to have a country ruled by a toddler. The surrealism smacks one in the face daily, but what also smacks one is the chorus of supporters, those who find him "the greatest president ever." Therein lies proof of our decline.

He would especially like to bully Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia into 'liberation', or so he tweeted, throwing in Second Amendment liberation in the case of Virginia.

Today's briefing included a long soliloquy on how relations with a laundry list of nations, all evil, would go sour and damage the US if 'Slow Joe' wins [the presidency].

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