Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Few Thoughts on Former Vice President Joseph Biden

Since I'm writing about Mr. Biden, I'm going to begin by speaking about President Trump, just to add a little balance. I think Donald Trump is a narcissistic moron. But Joe Biden has this critical quality — he is not Donald Trump. He also appears honest. The goodness ends there. He isn't up to the job.

When Mr. Biden speaks, he sounds like an old guy who might have once had it, but now is trying to sound like he still does. That's just what Joe is — a guy who once had it, maybe. I tried reading Joe's 'plan.' It's terrible. My sister, a dyed in the wool Trump supporter, thinks Joe is a socialist. That's just Republican blather. Joe isn't organized enough to be a socialist anymore. I doubt that he had much of a hand in writing his 'plan.' In the first four pages of the 'plan,' we get the phrase 'union jobs,' 'union labor,' or 'union work force,' about twenty times. OK, Joe, I get it, Democrats are all in with the unions. Are all those folks working from home gonna be organized too? Are we going to use all those good union jobs to compete against that semi slave labor in Foxcon City? Dear reader, if you don't know what Foxcon City is, then you don't understand how China has out competed us. And they did it with the help of a Taiwanese firm. China even uses its enemies to get ahead, something that is beyond Donald Trump's ability to comprehend.

Joe's plan is going to give us a carbon pollution free power sector by 2035. Knowing the clowns in charge of his party, I suspect that won't include a massive nuclear power construction effort, so be prepared to be sitting in the dark during those rolling blackouts. The Bozos who wrote the plan think 2035 is a long way away, but from an R and D to industrial production and logistics planning point of view on a nationwide scale 2035 is the day after tomorrow, given that we're beginning from a standing start.

Joe has the federal government spending trillions on things it has not traditionally done, such as insulating homes, repairing water pipes, and such. That is an enormous increase in federal spending.

Joe's plan is a crazy quilt wish list designed to bring a smile to every corner of the balkanized Democratic Party where people seem to be lined up waiting for free stuff. It is a party of unreality that, when tempered, is bound to be much, much better than the rapacious anti science thieves and traitors who currently inhabit the Republican Party.

So . . . I believe all thinking citizens should spend at least two hours each week listening to those two Republican apologists, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh. It's important to understand how the criminals who currently control the government perceive themselves. It doesn't take a lot of time, but knowing your enemy is important. Living in a liberal bubble isn't a good idea. There will be lots of repair work to be done. And if Joe really does get elected, we will at least have the rule of law back, and then we'll see about the rest.


  1. So, if the available choices are to ride a nice old horse who is somewhat slow but who will take you where you need to go to find a faster, younger horse, or to jump on the back of a snake who has already demonstrated that he will happily eat you and happens to be headed to a den of more of his kind, you'll pick the snake?

    1. I don't endorse. I was pointing out the qualities of the challenger. The qualities of the incumbent are pretty obvious. So many folks have described him that you either think the Donald is the second coming or the Prince of Darkness. I think he's what my grandma used to call unidiot. The fact that we've fallen to these two choices shows that Hofstadter's paranoid style in American politics has come to full flower, eliminating any atmosphere where we might get quality people.
