Tuesday, January 19, 2021

I'm Not Going to Watch What Happens Tomorrow — I'll Read About it in the Papers

The hours are ticking down on the last day of America's first adolescent presidency. The odds that Donald Trump can pull off one last prank in an attempt to remain in office have dwindled to near zero. He did manage a final child-like moment with a first class tantrum, though. Instead of sending an Air Force plane to bring the President Elect to Washington for his inauguration, Mr. Trump sulked in the Whitehouse, leaving Mr. Biden to fly a commercial 727 from his home in Delaware to Andrews Air Force Base. Rather than inviting the Bidens to the presidential residence for a tour and a meet and greet with the presidential staff, the new president's family was left to cool its jets in Blair House while Child Donald enjoyed one last Quarter Pounder with Cheese in the presidential living quarters.

An important lesson most parents try to teach kids, is that there is nothing worse than a sore loser. Thanks to a father whose wealth enabled his cheating throughout life (up 'til now), Donald Trump has not had to cope with losing, so this lesson could and did remain untaught. According to niece Mary Trump's book, the worse thing to Donald is a loser. Perhaps that's why in the days after the 2020 election he set off in such a singleminded pursuit to overturn Joe Biden's legitimate election win, and in the process created an army of millions of followers who are certain that the election was stolen from him. In fact, he didn't begin by saying it was stolen; he began by simply saying: “I won,” in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. And his army of true believers remain welded to his created truth. They have never put it down.

We shouldn't make this all Trump's fault. Over half the country hated him from the beginning. The morning after his election, long before he had even been sworn in as president, the enlightened crowd, the Hillary lovers, was already asking whether they could impeach him. And they never stopped until they had. Jerrold Nadler, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee was in charge of the hearings. That might seem obvious, but Nadler, aside from being a buffoon, had been at Trump's throat since he was on the New York City Council; he hated Trump, and the feeling was mutual. In any righteous setting, Nadler would have been forced to recuse himself. The main charge, Obstruction of Congress, was created as an artifice in order to have the President violate it, in a similar manner that was done with Andrew Johnson. All this was foolish, considering the vast evidence of Trump's violation of the Constitution's Commerce Clause. But those in the House who hated Trump acted like fools instead of surgeons. That gained sympathy for his fans. He probably gained little sympathy or respect with the general public simply because Trump was and is such a lout, with no respect for the Constitution or our mechanisms of government. He tore it and them apart. I doubt if he ever read the Constitution. Whether he can actually read has not been determined. Presumably he has lawyers for that.

For my money, I'll go back to Trump's 2016 campaign speeches where he promised that there would be so much success in the country under his administration that we would all become tired of winning.

Frankly, Donald, I am very tired of your winning. Good riddance doesn't even say it.

But let's not get our hopes up. The Celebrtory Media, as I've come to thnk if it in the last few weeks, is putting great store in Old Man Biden. I hate to spit in the soup, because he is going to be so much better than Donald Trump was that we will be amazed in some ways, but Joe has had to make many a promise to the manifold pressure groups that balkanize the Democratic Party. Some of those groups are worth paying, and some are not. The business of fixing the country is more critical than paying all those clowns off. I hope President Biden can begin to do it before the forces of darkness notice what's happening. Watch this space. Pray if you're a believer. Otherwise, just cross your fingers.

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