Sunday, January 17, 2021

Pages Flapping in the Wind

There are no accidents. When Mike Lindell, a passionate Trump supporter and national pillowmeister, left the Whitehouse, notes flapping in the breeze, with his suggestions for martial law clearly exposed, it was no accident. This was an old Donald Trump tactic going back to the first time he held court at Mar-a-Lago. John Bolton, one of his several National Security Advisors, even alluded to this exposed document gambit in his book In The Room Where it Happened. If you plumb the right depths, and proper Byzantine twists and turns of Trumpdom, though, you find that Mr. Mike told the President much more. He supposedly told The Donald that he had proof that Trump had won the popular vote 78 million to 67 million. He said he had solid proof of the fraud, “Right down to IP addresses.” This must have made the President's heart soar, but I expect he knows that there is little left for him to do.

If the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is the soldier he should be, he has discretely told his Commander in Chief that while he commands, his troops only follow lawful orders. And the generals and admirals know what an unlawful order looks like. This would be important right now, because I have no doubt that Mr. Trump is, or at least was contemplating martial law. Right now he is labeled with that most onerous of Trumpian terms, loser, and if there were anything, anything at all that he could do to erase that, he would.

Let's hope he understands that his hands are tied.

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