Wednesday, December 21, 2022

An End of Year Thought

I know it's not the end of the year yet, but it seems as if it should be. Too much has been stuffed into the year, too little of it good. If the world isn't on Twitter, it's at least looking at Twitter. Nobody paid attention to Jack Dorsey; everyone seems to be paying attention to Elon Musk.

Twitter has been at the center of a storm that won't quit. It began when Donald Trump decided to run for president, and has continued to this day, as Elon Musk, its new owner, tries to decide whether to play with it, destroy it, or let it run. The whole soap opera seems to confirm my conviction that anything that becomes popular enough becomes a parody of itself. Whether twitter lives or dies is irrelevant. Within an hour of its death, it will be as if it had never existed. Fiscal considerations aside, perhaps Elon should just turn out the lights now, giving successor media a running start on the dreaded 2024 political season

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